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Effect of tailored, daily feedback with lifestyle self‐monitoring on weight loss: The SMARTER randomized clinical trial

Artigo de periódico
Effect of tailored, daily feedback with lifestyle self‐monitoring on weight loss: The SMARTER randomized clinical trial
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Effect of tailored, daily feedback with lifestyle self‐monitoring on weight loss: The SMARTER randomized clinical trial

Authors: Lora E. Burke, Susan M. Sereika, Bambang Parmanto, Zhadyra Bizhanova, Jacob K. Kariuki, Jessica Cheng, Britney Beatrice, India Loar, I Wayan Pulantara, Yuhan Wang, Maribel Cedillo, Molly B Conroy

Source: Obesity

Published in: 2022

File type: Artigo de periódico

Kind of study: Ensaio clínico

Link to the original


This study aimed to test the efficacy of self-monitoring and feedback (SM+FB) versus SM without FB (SM) in a behavioral weight-loss intervention at 6 months. This was a randomized clinical trial. Eligibility criteria included the following: ≥18 years of age, BMI ≥ 27 and ≤43, smartphone user, and ability to engage in moderate physical activity. All participants received a 90-minute 1:1 counseling session, a Fitbit Charge 2, and a digital scale for SM. SM+FB participants were provided access to a customized smartphone application that provided three daily FB messages. The primary outcome was percentage of weight change from 0 to 6 months. The sample (N = 502) was 45 (SD 14.4) years old, BMI was 33.7 (SD 4.00) kg/m2, 79.5% of participants were female (n = 399), and 84.3% were White (n = 423). At 6 months, there was 85.86% retention and a significant percentage of weight change in both groups (SM+FB: −3.16%, 95% CI: −3.85% to −2.47%, p < 0.0001; SM: −3.20%, 95% CI: −3.86% to −2.54%, p < 0.0001) but no significant between-group mean difference (−0.04%, 95% CI: −0.99% to 0.91%, p = 0.940). A ≥5% weight loss was achieved by 31.9% of the SM+FB group and 28.3% of the SM group. There was no significant between-group difference in weight loss at 6 months.

Summary translated by

Este estudo teve como objetivo testar a eficácia do automonitoramento e feedback (SM+FB) versus SM sem FB (SM) em uma intervenção comportamental para perda de peso aos 6 meses. Este foi um ensaio clínico randomizado. Os critérios de elegibilidade incluíram: idade ≥18 anos, IMC ≥ 27 e ≤43, usuário de smartphone e capacidade de praticar atividade física moderada. Todos os participantes receberam uma sessão de aconselhamento individual de 90 minutos, um Fitbit Charge 2 e uma balança digital para SM. Os participantes SM+FB tiveram acesso a um aplicativo de smartphone personalizado que fornecia três mensagens diárias de FB. O desfecho primário foi a porcentagem de mudança de peso de 0 a 6 meses. A amostra (N = 502) tinha 45 (DP 14,4) anos, o IMC era de 33,7 (DP 4,00) kg/m2, 79,5% dos participantes eram do sexo feminino (n = 399) e 84,3% eram brancos (n = 423). Aos 6 meses, houve retenção de 85,86% e percentual significativo de alteração de peso em ambos os grupos (SM+FB: −3,16%, IC 95%: −3,85% a −2,47%, p < 0,0001; SM: −3,20%, IC 95%: −3,86% a −2,54%, p < 0,0001), mas nenhuma diferença média significativa entre os grupos (−0,04%, IC 95%: −0,99% a 0,91%, p = 0,940). Uma perda de peso ≥5% foi alcançada por 31,9% do grupo SM+FB e 28,3% do grupo SM. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na perda de peso aos 6 meses.