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Impact of a voluntary industry code for advertising food to children and young people: an analysis of New Zealand television data

Artigo de periódico
Impact of a voluntary industry code for advertising food to children and young people: an analysis of New Zealand television data
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Impact of a voluntary industry code for advertising food to children and young people: an analysis of New Zealand television data

Authors: Stephanie Shen, Sally Mackay, Arier Lee, Cliona Ni Mhurchu, Ahmed Sherif, Helen Eyles

Source: Public Health Nutrition

Published in: 2022

File type: Artigo de periódico

Link to the original


To evaluate the impact of the 2017 update to the voluntary Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) code for advertising food on children and young people’s exposure to unhealthy food advertisements on New Zealand television. Between 2015 and 2018, children and young people’s television exposure to unhealthy food advertising decreased. However, almost two-thirds of all food advertisements were still unhealthy, and the updated ASA code excluded the times when the greatest number of children was watching television. Consequently, government regulation and regular monitoring should reflect the evolving food marketing environment.

Summary translated by

Avaliar o impacto da atualização de 2017 do código voluntário da Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) para publicidade de alimentos na exposição de crianças e jovens a anúncios de alimentos não saudáveis ​​na televisão da Nova Zelândia. Entre 2015 e 2018, a exposição televisiva de crianças e jovens à publicidade de alimentos não saudáveis ​​diminuiu. No entanto, quase dois terços de todas as propagandas de alimentos ainda eram pouco saudáveis, e o código ASA atualizado excluía os horários em que o maior número de crianças assistia televisão. Consequentemente, a regulamentação governamental e a monitorização regular devem reflectir a evolução do ambiente de comercialização de alimentos.