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Revisiting resting metabolic rate: what is the relation to weight fluctuations?

Artigo de periódico
Revisiting resting metabolic rate: what is the relation to weight fluctuations?
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Revisiting resting metabolic rate: what is the relation to weight fluctuations?

Authors: Georgia Argyrakopoulou, Nefeli Fountouli, Maria Dalamaga, Alexander Kokkinos

Source: Current Obesity Reports

Published in: 2023

File type: Artigo de periódico

Kind of study: Revisão

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Despite the great progress in obesity-tackling strategies, a negative energy equilibrium between energy expenditure and energy intake remains the cornerstone in obesity management. The present review article aims to shed light on the complicated interrelations of resting metabolic rate to weight fluctuations.

Summary translated by

Apesar do grande progresso nas estratégias de combate à obesidade, um equilíbrio energético negativo entre o gasto energético e a ingestão energética continua a ser a pedra angular no tratamento da obesidade. O presente artigo de revisão visa esclarecer as complicadas inter-relações entre a taxa metabólica de repouso e as flutuações de peso.