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An evaluation of the implementation of the european calcified tissue society recommendations on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis secondary to bariatric surgery

Artigo de periódico
An evaluation of the implementation of the european calcified tissue society recommendations on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis secondary to bariatric s...
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: An evaluation of the implementation of the european calcified tissue society recommendations on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis secondary to bariatric surgery

Authors: Marion Courtalin, Hélène Verkindt, Naima Oukhouya Daoud, Nassima Ramdane, Bernard Cortet, François Pattou, Julien Paccou

Source: Nutrients

Published in: 2023

File type: Artigo de periódico

Link to the original


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) 2022 recommendations on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis secondary to bariatric surgery. The ECTS 2022 recommendations were applied in a retrospective cohort of postmenopausal women and men aged 50 years and older who were undergoing or had already undergone bariatric surgery. Osteoporosis medication was indicated if any of the following criteria were met: (i) history of recent (within 2 years) fragility fracture after the age of 40 years, (ii) BMD T score ≤ −2 at any of the sites of measurement, and (iii) FRAX® ≥ 20% for major osteoporotic fractures and/or ≥3% for hip fractures. Of the 170 patients (144 women, mean age 59 (55 to 63) years) included between February 2019 and March 2022, 33 were eligible for osteoporosis medication based on the ECTS 2022 recommendations, i.e., a prevalence of 19.6% [CI95%: 13.9%; 26.5%]. Most patients met the BMD T score ≤ −2 criterion (n = 25/170, 14.7% [CI95%: 9.7%; 20.9%]) and/or the history of recent fragility fracture criterion (n = 12/170, 7.1% [CI95%: 3.7%; 12.0%]). In this study, a fifth of our population was found to be eligible for osteoporosis medication after the application of the ECTS 2022 recommendations.

Summary translated by

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a implementação das recomendações da European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) 2022 sobre a prevenção e tratamento da osteoporose secundária à cirurgia bariátrica. As recomendações ECTS 2022 foram aplicadas numa coorte retrospetiva de mulheres e homens pós-menopáusicos com 50 anos ou mais que foram submetidos ou já foram submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica. A medicação para osteoporose foi indicada se algum dos seguintes critérios fosse atendido: (i) história de fratura por fragilidade recente (dentro de 2 anos) após os 40 anos de idade, (ii) pontuação T da DMO ≤ -2 em qualquer um dos locais de medição, e (iii) FRAX® ≥ 20% para fraturas osteoporóticas graves e/ou ≥3% para fraturas de quadril. Dos 170 pacientes (144 mulheres, idade média de 59 (55 a 63) anos) incluídos entre fevereiro de 2019 e março de 2022, 33 eram elegíveis para medicação para osteoporose com base nas recomendações do ECTS 2022, ou seja, uma prevalência de 19,6% [IC95%: 13,9%; 26,5%]. A maioria dos pacientes atendeu ao critério de escore T de DMO ≤ −2 (n = 25/170, 14,7% [IC95%: 9,7%; 20,9%]) e/ou ao critério histórico de fratura por fragilidade recente (n = 12/170, 7,1% [IC95%: 3,7%; 12,0%]). Neste estudo, um quinto da nossa população foi considerado elegível para medicação para osteoporose após a aplicação das recomendações ECTS 2022.