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Identification, assessment, and management of overweight and obesity: summary of updated NICE guidance

Artigo de periódico
Identification, assessment, and management of overweight and obesity: summary of updated NICE guidance
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Identification, assessment, and management of overweight and obesity: summary of updated NICE guidance

Authors: Heather Stegenga, Alexander Haines, Katie Jones, John Wilding, Guideline Development Group

Source: BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Published in: 2014

File type: Artigo de periódico

Link to the original


Newly available evidence on very low calorie diets and on the effectiveness of bariatric surgery in people with recent onset type 2 diabetes and a lack of clear guidance on follow-up after bariatric surgery have led to the need to revise the original National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline from 2006.6 This article summarises the most recent recommendations from NICE (CG189).

Summary translated by

Evidências recentemente disponíveis sobre dietas de muito baixas calorias e sobre a eficácia da cirurgia bariátrica em pessoas com diabetes tipo 2 de início recente e a falta de orientações claras sobre o acompanhamento após a cirurgia bariátrica levaram à necessidade de revisar o documento original do National Institute for Health e Diretriz Care Excellence (NICE) de 2006.6 Este artigo resume as recomendações mais recentes do NICE (CG189).