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Identification of Genetic Variants in 65 Obesity Related Genes in a Cohort of Portuguese Obese Individuals

Artigo de periódico
Identification of Genetic Variants in 65 Obesity Related Genes in a Cohort of Portuguese Obese Individuals
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: Identification of Genetic Variants in 65 Obesity Related Genes in a Cohort of Portuguese Obese Individuals

Source: Genes

Published in: 2021

File type: Artigo de periódico

Link to the original


Obesity is a major public health problem, which has a strong genetic component that interplays with environmental factors. Several genes are known to be implicated in the regulation of body weight. The identification of alleles that can be associated with obesity is a key element to control this pandemic. On the basis of a Portuguese population, 65 obesity-related genes are sequenced using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) in 72 individuals with obesity, in order to identify variants associated with monogenic obesity and potential risk factors. A total of 429 variants are identified, 129 of which had already been associated with the phenotype. Comparing our results with the European and Global frequencies, from 1000 Genomes project, 23 potential risk variants are identified. Six new variants are discovered in heterozygous carriers: four missense (genes ALMS1-NM_015120.4:c.5552C>T; SORCS1-NM_001013031.2:c.1072A>G and NM_001013031.2: c.2491A>C; TMEM67-NM_153704.5:c.158A>G) and two synonymous (genes BBS1-NM_024649.4:c.1437C>T; TMEM67-NM_153704.5:c.2583T>C). Functional studies should be performed to validate these new findings and evaluate their penetrance and pathogenicity. Regardless of no cases of monogenic obesity being identified, this kind of investigational study is important when we are still trying to understand the aetiology and pathophysiology of obesity. This will allow the identification of rare variants associated with obesity and the study of their prevalence in specific populational groups.

Summary translated by

A obesidade é um importante problema de saúde pública, que possui um forte componente genético que interage com fatores ambientais. Sabe-se que vários genes estão implicados na regulação do peso corporal. A identificação de alelos que podem estar associados à obesidade é um elemento chave para controlar esta pandemia. Com base numa população portuguesa, 65 genes relacionados com a obesidade são sequenciados através de sequenciação de próxima geração (NGS) em 72 indivíduos com obesidade, a fim de identificar variantes associadas à obesidade monogénica e potenciais fatores de risco. São identificadas 429 variantes, das quais 129 já haviam sido associadas ao fenótipo. Comparando os nossos resultados com as frequências Europeia e Global, do projeto 1000 Genomas, são identificadas 23 variantes de risco potenciais. Seis novas variantes são descobertas em portadores heterozigotos: quatro missense (genes ALMS1-NM_015120.4:c.5552C>T; SORCS1-NM_001013031.2:c.1072A>G e NM_001013031.2: c.2491A>C; TMEM67-NM_153704 .5:c.158A>G) e dois sinônimos (genes BBS1-NM_024649.4:c.1437C>T; TMEM67-NM_153704.5:c.2583T>C). Estudos funcionais devem ser realizados para validar esses novos achados e avaliar sua penetrância e patogenicidade. Apesar de não terem sido identificados casos de obesidade monogénica, este tipo de estudo investigacional é importante quando ainda estamos a tentar compreender a etiologia e fisiopatologia da obesidade. Isto permitirá a identificação de variantes raras associadas à obesidade e o estudo da sua prevalência em grupos populacionais específicos.