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The degree of association between overweight and obesity with the use of electronic media among Bangladeshi adolescents

Artigo de periódico
The degree of association between overweight and obesity with the use of electronic media among Bangladeshi adolescents
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: The degree of association between overweight and obesity with the use of electronic media among Bangladeshi adolescents

Authors: Suvasish Das Shuvo, Biplob Kumar Biswas,Editor: Zulkarnain Jaafar

Source: PLOS ONE

Published in: 2023

File type: Artigo de periódico

Link to the original


Electronic media usage is recently considered a modifiable risk factor for overweight and obesity among adolescents. The purpose of this present study was to evaluate the association of electronic media (EM) usage with overweight and obesity among school-going adolescents. The results support the total time spent using electronic media was associated with an increased risk of being overweight and obesity. Finally, this study strongly suggests the proper use of electronic media may be necessary to reduce the risk of being overweight and obesity in early adolescents.