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The effect of on-shelf sugar labeling on beverage sales in the supermarket: a comparative interrupted time series analysis of a natural experiment

Artigo de periódico
The effect of on-shelf sugar labeling on beverage sales in the supermarket: a comparative interrupted time series analysis of a natural experiment
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Publication sheet

Nome da publicação: The effect of on-shelf sugar labeling on beverage sales in the supermarket: a comparative interrupted time series analysis of a natural experiment

Authors: J. C. Hoenink, J. M. Stuber, J. Lakerveld, W. Waterlander, J. W. J. Beulens, J. D. Mackenbach

Source: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Published in: 2021

File type: Artigo de periódico

Link to the original


Nutrition labels show potential in increasing healthy food and beverage purchases, but their effectiveness seems to depend on the type of label, the targeted food category and the setting, and evidence on their impact in real-world settings is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an industry-designed on-shelf sugar label on the sales of beverages with no, low, medium and high sugar content implemented within a real-world supermarket.

Summary translated by

Os rótulos nutricionais mostram potencial para aumentar as compras de alimentos e bebidas saudáveis, mas a sua eficácia parece depender do tipo de rótulo, da categoria de alimentos visada e do ambiente, e as evidências sobre o seu impacto em ambientes do mundo real são limitadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de um rótulo de açúcar de prateleira desenvolvido pela indústria nas vendas de bebidas sem, com baixo, médio e alto teor de açúcar, implementado em um supermercado do mundo real.