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Pharmacological interventions for the management of children and adolescents living with obesity—An update of a Cochrane systematic review with meta‐analyses

Artigo de periódico
Pharmacological interventions for the management of children and adolescents living with obesity—An update of a Cochrane systematic review with meta‐analyses
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Hoja de publicación

Nome da publicação: Pharmacological interventions for the management of children and adolescents living with obesity—An update of a Cochrane systematic review with meta‐analyses

Autores: Gabriel Torbahn, Andrew Jones, Alex Griffiths, Jamie Matu, Maria‐Inti Metzendorf, Louisa J. Ells, Gerald Gartlehner, Aaron S. Kelly, Daniel Weghuber, Tamara Brown

Fuente: Pediatric Obesity

Publicado en: 2024

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

Tipo de estudio: Revisão

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The effectiveness of anti-obesity medications for children and adolescents is unclear. To update the evidence on the benefits and harms of anti-obesity medication. Anti-obesity medications in addition to behaviour change improve BMI but may require dose adjustment, with 1 in 100 adolescents experiencing a serious adverse event.

Resumen traducido por

A eficácia dos medicamentos anti-obesidade para crianças e adolescentes não é clara. Atualizar as evidências sobre os benefícios e malefícios dos medicamentos antiobesidade. Os medicamentos anti-obesidade, além da mudança de comportamento, melhoram o IMC, mas podem exigir ajuste de dose, com 1 em cada 100 adolescentes apresentando um evento adverso grave.