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Prioritizing a research agenda on built environments and physical activity: a twin panel Delphi consensus process with researchers and knowledge users

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Prioritizing a research agenda on built environments and physical activity: a twin panel Delphi consensus process with researchers and knowledge users
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Nome da publicação: Prioritizing a research agenda on built environments and physical activity: a twin panel Delphi consensus process with researchers and knowledge users

Autores: Stephanie A. Prince, Justin J. Lang, Margaret De Groh, Hannah Badland, Anthony Barnett, Lori Baugh Littlejohns, Nicholas C. Brandon, Gregory P. Butler, Géna Casu, Ester Cerin, Rachel C. Colley, Louise De Lannoy, Iryna Demchenko, Holly N. Ellingwood, Kelly R. Evenson, Guy Faulkner, Liraz Fridman, Christine M. Friedenreich, Daniel L. Fuller, Pamela Fuselli, Lora M. Giangregorio, Neeru Gupta, Adriano A. Hino, Clare Hume, Birgit Isernhagen, Bin Jalaludin, Jeroen Lakerveld, Richard Larouche, Stephenie C. Lemon, Constantinos A. Loucaides, Jay E. Maddock, Gavin R. McCormack, Aman Mehta, Karen Milton, Jorge Mota, Victor D. Ngo, Neville Owen, Adewale L. Oyeyemi, António L. Palmeira, Daniel G. Rainham, Ryan E. Rhodes, Nicola D. Ridgers, Inge Roosendaal, Dori E. Rosenberg, Jasper Schipperijn, Sandra J. Slater, Kate E. Storey, Mark S. Tremblay, Mark A. Tully, Leigh M. Vanderloo, Jenny Veitch, Christina Vietinghoff, Stephen Whiting, Meghan Winters, Linchuan Yang, Robert Geneau

Fuente: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

Publicado en: 2023

Tipo de archivo: Artigo de periódico

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The growth of urban dwelling populations globally has led to rapid increases of research and policy initiatives addressing associations between the built environment and physical activity (PA). Given this rapid proliferation, it is important to identify priority areas and research questions for moving the field forward. The objective of this study was to identify and compare research priorities on the built environment and PA among researchers and knowledge users (e.g., policy makers, practitioners).

Resumen traducido por

O crescimento das populações habitacionais urbanas em todo o mundo levou a um rápido aumento de pesquisas e iniciativas políticas que abordam associações entre o ambiente construído e a atividade física (AF). Dada esta rápida proliferação, é importante identificar áreas prioritárias e questões de investigação para avançar neste campo. O objectivo deste estudo foi identificar e comparar prioridades de investigação sobre o ambiente construído e AF entre investigadores e utilizadores do conhecimento (por exemplo, decisores políticos, profissionais).