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Healthy urban planning in practice: experience of European cities : report of the WHO City Action Group on Healthy Urban Planning

Healthy urban planning in practice: experience of European cities : report of the WHO City Action Group on Healthy Urban Planning
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Nome da publicação: Healthy urban planning in practice: experience of European cities : report of the WHO City Action Group on Healthy Urban Planning

Autores: Hugh Barton, Claire Mitcham, Catherine Tsourou

Publicado em: 2003

Tipo de arquivo: Livro

Link para o original


Healthy urban planning means planning for people. Healthy urban planning – a WHO guide to planning for people (Spon
Press, 2000) introduced the concept and principles of healthy urban planning. This book describes the efforts of a
group of cities in the WHO European Healthy Cities Network to introduce health in their urban planning practices.
Six city case studies covering a wide range of approaches are presented and analysed. Some are at an early stage in
linking planning and health, whereas others have many years of experience on which to draw. Some focus on specific
policy areas or projects, whereas others focus on the process of making plans. The analysis draws not only on the
written material from each city but also on in-depth interviews with key protagonists and seminar discussions within
the wider group of cities that participated in this work. The book summarizes the conclusions and lessons learned and
makes recommendations for taking healthy urban planning practices forward on a larger scale.