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Descrição do evento

In 2023 we reflect on implementation of obesity policies, following the WHO Acceleration Plan and adoption of the Draft Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Obesity, and look to the Second High-Level Meeting on UHC to build further on the momentum. The 2023 World Health Assembly will be a critical opportunity for member states to present national roadmaps for action on obesity, and turn the tide on the obesity pandemic.

To mark World Obesity Day, we will be holding a special session to hear from governments about their priorities for action on obesity and explore how we can integrate our efforts to address obesity nationally and globally across all areas of the WHO obesity recommendations. A lively panel discussion will challenge what is needed to move beyond the fragmented business as usual approach we currently see, identifying opportunities to move towards more integrated and comprehensive approaches for addressing obesity through prevention and treatment across the life course at global and national levels.

Participants will also gain insights from the 2023 Obesity Atlas, launching on World Obesity Day, and hear directly from people living with obesity about why it is so vital to seize this opportunity to take action to avoid leaving the millions of people affected by obesity behind.

Data e hora:

seg, 6 de mar, 09h00