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Descrição do evento

Following an excellent congress in Dublin, where we learned more about the Irish HSE model of care in obesity, we are delighted to invite you to join us for the June EASO COMs webinar Irish Perspective: Model of Care for Overweight and Obesity Management on Tuesday 27th June 2023 (12-1pm CEST).

The Health Service Executive (HSE) Model of Care for the Management of Overweight and Obesity was introduced in Ireland in 2021. This comprehensive model defines how care for the management of overweight and obesity should be organised within the health service for individuals of all ages, ensuring they receive the best evidence-based care. For more information on the model, see this EASO post.

The 1-hour webinar will be chaired by Dr Barbara McGowan (MD), Co-Chair of the EASO Obesity Management Task Force. There will be time to ask the speakers questions about how this process might be adapted in other European countries.

Data e hora:

ter, 27 de jun, 13h00