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Influence of COVID-19-related restrictions on the prevalence of overweight and obese Czech children

Influence of COVID-19-related restrictions on the prevalence of overweight and obese Czech children
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Nome da publicação: Influence of COVID-19-related restrictions on the prevalence of overweight and obese Czech children

Autores: Anna Vážná, Jana Vignerová, Marek Brabec, Jan Novák, Bohuslav Procházka, Antonín Gabera, Petr Sedlak

Fonte: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Publicado em: 2022

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Apart from influencing the health of the worldwide population, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the day-to-day life of all, including children. A sedentary lifestyle along with the transformation of eating and sleep habits took place in the child population. These changes created a highly obesogenic environment. Our aim was to evaluate the current weight in the child population and identify the real effects of the pandemic. Height and weight data were collected by pediatricians from the pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 periods from 3517 children (1759 boys and 1758 girls) aged 4.71 to 17.33 years. We found a significant rise in the z-score BMI between pediatric visits in the years 2019 and 2021 in both sexes aged 7, 9, 11, and 13 years. Especially alarming were the percentages of (severely) obese boys at the ages of 9 and 11 years, which exceed even the percentages of overweight boys. With the use of statistical modeling, we registered the most dramatic increment at around 12 years of age in both sexes. Based on our research in the Czech Republic, we can confirm the predictions that were given at the beginning of the pandemic that COVID-19-related restrictions worsened the already present problem of obesity and excess weight in children.

Resumo traduzido por

Além de influenciar a saúde da população mundial, a pandemia da COVID-19 mudou a vida quotidiana de todos, incluindo as crianças. O sedentarismo e a transformação dos hábitos alimentares e de sono ocorreram na população infantil. Essas mudanças criaram um ambiente altamente obesogênico. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o peso atual da população infantil e identificar os reais efeitos da pandemia. Os dados de altura e peso foram coletados por pediatras nos períodos pré-COVID-19 e pós-COVID-19 de 3.517 crianças (1.759 meninos e 1.758 meninas) com idades entre 4,71 e 17,33 anos. Encontramos um aumento significativo no escore z do IMC entre as consultas pediátricas nos anos de 2019 e 2021 em ambos os sexos com 7, 9, 11 e 13 anos. Especialmente alarmantes foram as percentagens de rapazes (gravemente) obesos nas idades de 9 e 11 anos, que excedem até mesmo as percentagens de rapazes com excesso de peso. Com a utilização de modelos estatísticos, registámos o aumento mais dramático por volta dos 12 anos de idade em ambos os sexos. Com base na nossa investigação na República Checa, podemos confirmar as previsões feitas no início da pandemia de que as restrições relacionadas com a COVID-19 agravaram o já presente problema da obesidade e do excesso de peso nas crianças.