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“Is it time to throw out the weighing scales?” Implicit weight bias among healthcare professionals working in bariatric surgery services and their attitude towards non-weight focused approaches

Artigo de periódico
“Is it time to throw out the weighing scales?” Implicit weight bias among healthcare professionals working in bariatric surgery services and their attitude towar...
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Nome da publicação: “Is it time to throw out the weighing scales?” Implicit weight bias among healthcare professionals working in bariatric surgery services and their attitude towards non-weight focused approaches

Autores: S. Abbott, E. Shuttlewood, S.W. Flint, P. Chesworth, H.M. Parretti

Fonte: eClinicalMedicine

Publicado em: 2023

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

Link para o original


People living with overweight or obesity (PLwO) can be stigmatised by healthcare professionals (HCPs). Reducing focus on weight is a proposed strategy to provide less threatening healthcare experiences. Given the lack of research on weight bias within obesity services, this study aimed to explore implicit bias among obesity specialist HCPs and explore views on non-weight focused approaches.

Resumo traduzido por

Pessoas que vivem com sobrepeso ou obesidade (OPc) podem ser estigmatizadas pelos profissionais de saúde (PS). Reduzir o foco no peso é uma estratégia proposta para proporcionar experiências de saúde menos ameaçadoras. Dada a falta de pesquisas sobre preconceitos de peso nos serviços de obesidade, este estudo teve como objetivo explorar preconceitos implícitos entre profissionais de saúde especialistas em obesidade e explorar pontos de vista sobre abordagens não focadas no peso.