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Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable internet-of-things (SLIM) -intervention for overweight pregnant women: Study protocol for a quasi-experimental trial

Artigo de periódico
Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable internet-of-things (SLIM) -intervention for overweight pregnant women
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Nome da publicação: Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable internet-of-things (SLIM) -intervention for overweight pregnant women: Study protocol for a quasi-experimental trial

Autores: Johanna Saarikko, Anna Axelin, Emilia Huvinen, Amir M. Rahmani, Iman Azimi, Miko Pasanen, Hannakaisa Niela-Vilén,Editor: Johannes Stortz


Publicado em: 2023

Tipo de arquivo: Artigo de periódico

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To assess, in terms of self-efficacy in weight management, the effectiveness of the SLIM lifestyle intervention among overweight or obese women during pregnancy and after delivery, and further to exploit machine learning and event mining approaches to build personalized models. Additionally, the aim is to evaluate the implementation of the SLIM intervention. The SLIM intervention was developed in collaboration with overweight women and public health nurses working in maternity clinics. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the intervention among overweight women in increasing self-efficacy and achieving a healthy weight; thus, impacting the healthy lifestyle and long-term health of the whole family. The long-term objective is to contribute to women’s health by supporting weight-management through behavior change via interventions conducted in maternity clinics.

Resumo traduzido por

Avaliar, em termos de autoeficácia no controlo do peso, a eficácia da intervenção no estilo de vida SLIM entre mulheres com excesso de peso ou obesas durante a gravidez e após o parto, e ainda explorar abordagens de aprendizagem automática e de mineração de eventos para construir modelos personalizados. Adicionalmente, pretende-se avaliar a implementação da intervenção SLIM. A intervenção SLIM foi desenvolvida em colaboração com mulheres com excesso de peso e enfermeiras de saúde pública que trabalham em maternidades. Este estudo avalia a eficácia da intervenção entre mulheres com sobrepeso no aumento da autoeficácia e na obtenção de um peso saudável; impactando assim o estilo de vida saudável e a saúde a longo prazo de toda a família. O objectivo a longo prazo é contribuir para a saúde das mulheres, apoiando o controlo do peso através da mudança de comportamento através de intervenções realizadas em maternidades.