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Descrição do evento

Obesity is recognised as one of Europe’s priority health challenges, however specialised obesity training is not widely available. This has led to wide disparities in obesity care and public health strategies, which vary enormously across the European region. To address this, EASO education programmes offer comprehensive training designed for European health professionals working in obesity prevention and management.

Teaching at the Masterclass will be delivered via lectures, clinical case studies, group discussions and workshops. EASO will offer 35 places for this prestigious course. There is no registration fee and EASO will provide hotel accommodation and meals for successful applicants. Candidates will need to cover their own travel to Antalya.

Applications are now open below and the deadline for receipt is 15 September 2023 late applications will NOT be considered. Applicants will receive an email notification regarding their application outcome by September 29, 2023.

Data e hora:

qui, 30 de nov, 08h00 a 2 de dez de 2023