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Descrição do evento

The Fundamentals of Obesity Treatment Course is now virtual! This is a 1.5-day interactive virtual course offering introductory education about the evidence-based approaches for evaluating, diagnosing, and treating obesity in a clinical setting. The content is appropriate for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinicians-in-training, and other healthcare providers who treat patients with the disease of obesity. On the first day, attend virtual lectures to learn about the basic concepts that define obesity as a disease, the pathophysiology of obesity, and how to evaluate patients for obesity and related diseases using ethical, non-stigmatizing communication. Then review strategies for treating obesity using four treatment pillars: nutrition, physical activity, behavior, and pharmacotherapy. On the second day, work in virtual breakout groups on patient cases to develop comprehensive treatment plans using interventions in all four treatment pillars. Gain tools to begin developing effective treatment plans for patients affected by obesity in your practice.

Data e hora:

sex, 18 de nov, 10h00 a 19 de nov de 2022