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Fundo do Mockup Ícone do Mockup

Body image perception and physical activity behavior among adult population...

Body image perception and physical activity behavior among adult population: Application of trans-theoretical model of behavior change

Fundo do Mockup Ícone do Mockup

Behavioral lifestyle interventions for weight loss in overweight or obese p...

Behavioral lifestyle interventions for weight loss in overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of the literature

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Whole systems approaches to diet and healthy weight: A scoping review of re...

Whole systems approaches to diet and healthy weight: A scoping review of reviews

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Validity and reproducibility of the PERSIAN Cohort food frequency questionn...

Validity and reproducibility of the PERSIAN Cohort food frequency questionnaire: assessment of major dietary patterns

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Weight, weight gain and behavioural risk factors in women attending a breas...

Weight, weight gain and behavioural risk factors in women attending a breast cancer family history, risk and prevention clinic: an observational study

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The Wearable Activity Tracker Checklist for Healthcare (WATCH): a 12-point...

The Wearable Activity Tracker Checklist for Healthcare (WATCH): a 12-point guide for the implementation of wearable activity trackers in healthcare

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Sex and age difference in associations between anthropometric indices and h...

Sex and age difference in associations between anthropometric indices and hypertension

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Influence of mental and behavioral factors on weight loss after bariatric s...

Influence of mental and behavioral factors on weight loss after bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

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Precision nutrition unveiled: gene–nutrient interactions, microbiota dyna...

Precision nutrition unveiled: gene–nutrient interactions, microbiota dynamics, and lifestyle factors in obesity management

Iniciativa combate gordofobia no atendimento médico

Iniciativa combate gordofobia no atendimento médico

O preconceito está entre os principais obstáculos para o cuidado da obesidade. Considerando que a estigmatização muitas vezes parte dos próprios profissionais de saúde, a iniciativa Saúde sem Gordofobia surgiu...
