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Implementing fiscal and pricing policies to promote healthy diets: a review...

Implementing fiscal and pricing policies to promote healthy diets: a review of contextual factors

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Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Brazil: Analysis of Food Categories...

Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Brazil: Analysis of Food Categories and Voluntary Targets from 2011 to 2017

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Qualitative exploration of the dynamics of women s dietary diversity. How...

Qualitative exploration of the dynamics of women s dietary diversity. How much does economic empowerment matter?

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Ultra-processed food and beverage advertising on Brazilian television by In...

Ultra-processed food and beverage advertising on Brazilian television by International Network for Food and Obesity/Non-Communicable Diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support benchmark

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Soda Taxes and the Prices of Sodas and Other Drinks: Evidence from Mexico

Soda Taxes and the Prices of Sodas and Other Drinks: Evidence from Mexico

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The effect of social media interventions on physical activity and dietary b...

The effect of social media interventions on physical activity and dietary behaviours in young people and adults: a systematic review

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Public support for healthy supermarket initiatives focused on product place...

Public support for healthy supermarket initiatives focused on product placement: a multi-country cross-sectional analysis of the 2018 International Food Policy Study

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Cultura e gastro-anomia: psicopatologia da alimentação cotidiana. Entrevi...

Cultura e gastro-anomia: psicopatologia da alimentação cotidiana. Entrevista com Claude Fischler

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Contribuições da educação física na prevenção e tratamento da obesid...

Contribuições da educação física na prevenção e tratamento da obesidade infantil

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Estimated effects of the implementation of the Mexican warning labels regul...

Estimated effects of the implementation of the Mexican warning labels regulation on the use of health and nutrition claims on packaged foods
