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Effect of an antenatal diet and lifestyle intervention and maternal BMI on...

Effect of an antenatal diet and lifestyle intervention and maternal BMI on cord blood DNA methylation in infants of overweight and obese women: The LIMIT Randomised Controlled Trial

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Ildr1 gene deletion protects against diet-induced obesity and hyperglycemia

Ildr1 gene deletion protects against diet-induced obesity and hyperglycemia

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Obesity and psychological factors associated with weight loss after bariatr...

Obesity and psychological factors associated with weight loss after bariatric surgery: a longitudinal study

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Hypnosis reduces food impulsivity in patients with obesity and high levels...

Hypnosis reduces food impulsivity in patients with obesity and high levels of disinhibition: HYPNODIET randomized controlled clinical trial

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Intestinal morphometric changes induced by a western-style diet in wistar r...

Intestinal morphometric changes induced by a western-style diet in wistar rats and GSPE counter-regulatory effect

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The profiling of diet and physical activity in reproductive age women and t...

The profiling of diet and physical activity in reproductive age women and their association with body mass index

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The benefits and challenges of taxing sugar in a small island state: an int...

The benefits and challenges of taxing sugar in a small island state: an interrupted time series analysis

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Worse sleep health predicts less frequent breakfast consumption among adole...

Worse sleep health predicts less frequent breakfast consumption among adolescents in a micro-longitudinal analysis

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How is weight teasing cross-sectionally and longitudinally associated with...

How is weight teasing cross-sectionally and longitudinally associated with health behaviors and weight status among ethnically/racially and socioeconomically diverse young people?

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Western diet associated with increased post-stroke depressive symptoms

Western diet associated with increased post-stroke depressive symptoms
