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Economic impacts of overweight and obesity: current and future estimates fo...

Economic impacts of overweight and obesity: current and future estimates for 161 countries

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The Economic Impact of Overweight & Obesity in 2020 and 2060

The Economic Impact of Overweight & Obesity in 2020 and 2060

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Cost‐effectiveness of a motivational interviewing obesity intervention ve...

Cost‐effectiveness of a motivational interviewing obesity intervention versus usual care in pediatric primary care offices

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Cost-effectiveness of LiveLighter® – a mass media public education c...

Cost-effectiveness of LiveLighter® – a mass media public education campaign for obesity prevention

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Ensaios sobre economia da saúde: subsídio a medicamentos, mercado de trab...

Ensaios sobre economia da saúde: subsídio a medicamentos, mercado de trabalho e obesidade

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Nutritional status of school-age children and adolescents in low- and middl...

Nutritional status of school-age children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries across seven global regions: a synthesis of scoping reviews

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Effects of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages

Effects of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages

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A systematic scoping review of the literacy literature to develop a digital...

A systematic scoping review of the literacy literature to develop a digital food and nutrition literacy model for low‐income adults to make healthy choices in the online food retail ecosystem to reduce obesity risk

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Do adolescents’ experiences of the barriers to and facilitators of ph...

Do adolescents’ experiences of the barriers to and facilitators of physical activity differ by socioeconomic position? A systematic review of qualitative evidence

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Recognising the elephant in the room: the commercial determinants of health

Recognising the elephant in the room: the commercial determinants of health
