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The health, cost and equity impacts of restrictions on the advertisement of...

The health, cost and equity impacts of restrictions on the advertisement of high fat, salt and sugar products across the transport for London network: a health economic modelling study

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Dossiê Big Food: Como a indústria interfere em políticas de alimentaçã...

Dossiê Big Food: Como a indústria interfere em políticas de alimentação

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Household income and maternal education in early childhood and risk of over...

Household income and maternal education in early childhood and risk of overweight and obesity in late childhood: Findings from seven birth cohort studies in six high-income countries

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Inequalities in food acquisition according to the social profiles of the he...

Inequalities in food acquisition according to the social profiles of the head of households in Brazil

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The economic impact of overweight & obesity in 8 countries

The economic impact of overweight & obesity in 8 countries

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Pessoas, Lucros e Saúde: Lançamento Global da Lancet Series Sobre os Dete...

Pessoas, Lucros e Saúde: Lançamento Global da Lancet Series Sobre os Determinantes Comerciais da Saúde

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Economic burden of childhood overweight and obesity: A systematic review an...

Economic burden of childhood overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

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Costs of cancer attributable to excess body weight in the Brazilian public...

Costs of cancer attributable to excess body weight in the Brazilian public health system in 2018

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Health outcomes of patients with type 2 diabetes following bariatric surger...

Health outcomes of patients with type 2 diabetes following bariatric surgery: Results from a publicly funded initiative

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Simpósio Abramge

Simpósio Abramge
