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Descompactando a Expansão das ‘Best Buys’ de DCNTS e seu Caso...

Descompactando a Expansão das ‘Best Buys’ de DCNTS e seu Caso de Investimento

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Categorical versus continuous risk factors and the calculation of potential...

Categorical versus continuous risk factors and the calculation of potential impact fractions

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Estimated minimum prices and lowest available national prices for antiobesi...

Estimated minimum prices and lowest available national prices for antiobesity medications: Improving affordability and access to treatment

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Impact of built, social, and economic environments on adolescent obesity an...

Impact of built, social, and economic environments on adolescent obesity and related health behaviors

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Como o aumento da prevalência da obesidade entre beneficiários pode impac...

Como o aumento da prevalência da obesidade entre beneficiários pode impactar a sustentabilidade da saúde suplementar

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The case for investing in the prevention and treatment of overweight and ob...

The case for investing in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in three middle-income countries

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Primary prevention programs for childhood obesity: are they cost-effective?

Primary prevention programs for childhood obesity: are they cost-effective?

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Personalized versus generic digital weight loss interventions delivered on...

Personalized versus generic digital weight loss interventions delivered on university campuses: a 6-month cost-benefit analysis

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Economic and health impacts of the Change4Life Food Scanner app: Findings f...

Economic and health impacts of the Change4Life Food Scanner app: Findings from a randomized pilot and feasibility study

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Cost-effectiveness of metabolic surgery for the treatment of type 2 diabete...

Cost-effectiveness of metabolic surgery for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity: a systematic review of economic evaluations
