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Aldose reductase promotes diet‐induced obesity via induction of senescenc...

Aldose reductase promotes diet‐induced obesity via induction of senescence in subcutaneous adipose tissue

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MSR1 is not required for obesity-associated inflammation and insulin resist...

MSR1 is not required for obesity-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in mice

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A role of STING signaling in obesity-induced lung inflammation

A role of STING signaling in obesity-induced lung inflammation

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Markers for obese and non-obese Type 2 diabetes identified using whole bloo...

Markers for obese and non-obese Type 2 diabetes identified using whole blood metabolomics

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Acute and long-term exercise adaptation of adipose tissue and skeletal musc...

Acute and long-term exercise adaptation of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in humans: a matched transcriptomics approach after 8-week training-intervention

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The relationship between dietary flavonols intake and metabolic syndrome in...

The relationship between dietary flavonols intake and metabolic syndrome in polish adults

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Effect of low-carbohydrate diet on beta-hydroxybutyrate ketogenesis metabol...

Effect of low-carbohydrate diet on beta-hydroxybutyrate ketogenesis metabolic stimulation and regulation of NLRP3 ubiquitination in obese Saudi women

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Adipokines at the crossroads of obesity and mesenchymal stem cell therapy

Adipokines at the crossroads of obesity and mesenchymal stem cell therapy

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Restoration of lipid homeostasis between TG and PE by the LXRα-ATGL/EPT1 a...

Restoration of lipid homeostasis between TG and PE by the LXRα-ATGL/EPT1 axis ameliorates hepatosteatosis

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A healthy diet, a healthy prostate? A brief commentary on the latest resear...

A healthy diet, a healthy prostate? A brief commentary on the latest research on diet and prostate cancer
