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Relação da genética e epigenética com a obesidade

Relação da genética e epigenética com a obesidade

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Identification and characterization of the long non-coding RNA NFIA-AS2 as...

Identification and characterization of the long non-coding RNA NFIA-AS2 as a novel locus for body mass index in American Indians

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Epigenome‐wide association study of BMI in Black populations from InterGE...

Epigenome‐wide association study of BMI in Black populations from InterGEN and GENOA

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Exposing skin to ultraviolet irradiation increases food intake in male indi...

Exposing skin to ultraviolet irradiation increases food intake in male individuals

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Effects of gene–lifestyle interactions on obesity based on a multi-locus...

Effects of gene–lifestyle interactions on obesity based on a multi-locus risk score: A cross-sectional analysis

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Epigenetics in obesity and diabetes mellitus: new insights

Epigenetics in obesity and diabetes mellitus: new insights

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Hyperinsulinemia is a probable trigger for weight gain and hyperphagia in i...

Hyperinsulinemia is a probable trigger for weight gain and hyperphagia in individuals with Prader‐Willi syndrome

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Obesity induces epigenetic memory in innate immune cells

Obesity induces epigenetic memory in innate immune cells

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Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with severe obesity restores ad...

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in patients with severe obesity restores adaptive responses leading to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

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Modeling the progression of Type 2 diabetes with underlying obesity

Modeling the progression of Type 2 diabetes with underlying obesity
