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Modeling the progression of Type 2 diabetes with underlying obesity

Modeling the progression of Type 2 diabetes with underlying obesity

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Nutraceuticals and the network of obesity modulators

Nutraceuticals and the network of obesity modulators

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Association of plant-based and high-protein diets with a lower obesity risk...

Association of plant-based and high-protein diets with a lower obesity risk defined by fat mass in middle-aged and elderly persons with a high genetic risk of obesity

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Identification and characterization of the long non-coding RNA NFIA-AS2 as...

Identification and characterization of the long non-coding RNA NFIA-AS2 as a novel locus for body mass index in American Indians

Controle da microbiota intestinal é essencial para prevenção da obesidade

Controle da microbiota intestinal é essencial para prevenção da obesidade

A depender das suas características, a microbiota intestinal pode favorecer o desenvolvimento da obesidade. Responsáveis, entre várias funções, pelo balanço energético, as bactérias do intestino desempenham um papel fundamental na...

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Genetics and epigenetics in obesity: what do we know so far?

Genetics and epigenetics in obesity: what do we know so far?

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Obesity and nutrigenetics testing: new insights

Obesity and nutrigenetics testing: new insights

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Impact of transgenerational nutrition on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease d...

Impact of transgenerational nutrition on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease development: interplay between gut microbiota, epigenetics and immunity

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Updates on rare genetic variants, genetic testing, and gene therapy in indi...

Updates on rare genetic variants, genetic testing, and gene therapy in individuals with obesity

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Overweight and obesity in pregnancy: their impact on epigenetics

Overweight and obesity in pregnancy: their impact on epigenetics
