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Fundo do Mockup Ícone do Mockup

The high and rising costs of obesity to the US health care system

The high and rising costs of obesity to the US health care system

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Burden of physical inactivity and hospitalization costs due to chronic dise...

Burden of physical inactivity and hospitalization costs due to chronic diseases

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Obesity stigma at work: improving inclusion and productivity

Obesity stigma at work: improving inclusion and productivity

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The costs of overweight and obesity-related diseases in the Brazilian publi...

The costs of overweight and obesity-related diseases in the Brazilian public health system: cross-sectional study

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Cost-utility of gastric bypass surgery compared to clinical treatment for s...

Cost-utility of gastric bypass surgery compared to clinical treatment for severely obese with and without diabetes in the perspective of the brazilian public health system

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Observatório 2021

Observatório 2021

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Dynamics of the complex food environment underlying dietary intake in low-i...

Dynamics of the complex food environment underlying dietary intake in low-income groups: a systems map of associations extracted from a systematic umbrella literature review

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Custo de uma alimentação saudável e culturalmente aceitável no Brasil e...

Custo de uma alimentação saudável e culturalmente aceitável no Brasil em 2009 e 2018

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Overlooked and under‐evidenced: Community health and long‐term care ser...

Overlooked and under‐evidenced: Community health and long‐term care service needs, utilization, and costs incurred by people with severe obesity

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A systematic review of the evidence for non-surgical weight management for...

A systematic review of the evidence for non-surgical weight management for adults with severe obesity: what is cost effective and what are the implications for the design of health services?
